Friday, November 23, 2012

the two-day thanksgiving mitts... and a poem ;)

Twas Thanksgiving Eve
so my brother and I
skipped our last classes,
and instead took a drive.

Homeward we headed,
with eyes set to the west,
prepared to eat turkey
and give thanks that we're blessed.

We left at two-thirty,
quite a nice time indeed, 
but normal hump-day traffic 
was multiplied by three!

So I in the driver's seat,
with Will by my side
took on Thanksgiving traffic...
What a terrible ride!

First was the woman
whose turn signal "broke..."
Next, we were stressed
by a slow older bloke!

But finally, ah!
The end was in sight.
Good old Three-Ninety-Four
but by then twas near night!

With Carey and Crosby, 
and Groban and Ives
we sang Christmas carols
til the time we arrived

Home! We knew we were,
from the beacon of light
beaming from St. James
in the dark of the night. 

The end.

So, I figured I owe you bit more effort after not writing a proper post for ever and ever. Thus, the poem.

Other things I've been doing this lovely holiday break from school: knitting. Honestly, that's it! I started AND finished a pair of pink fingerless mitts in 2 days, and now I've begun a pair of gloves... I'm only knitting Christmas presents from here on out, so you'll have to guess who they're for!

Simple, yet adorable. #mystyle

My fav part? The scalloped cuff.

Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, and Happy Small-Business Saturday, which happens to be tomorrow... Not sure if that's just a small-town thing, or if it's nationwide. Probably just a small-town thing.

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